So I've been on this family vacation with my future hubby and his two lovely kids. And I know realize why most families take only one vacation a year. Noooo its not the money. ITS BECAUSE IT CAN FREAKIN DRIVE YOU INSANE!!! and this really goes for families who have more then one kid. Now i must say this before I go any stepkids are not bad kids, meaning the kind that you want to smack even though they're not yours. but oh dear lord have i heard whining these past few days...and not the kind that goes well with cheese!!
See when you have more then one kid, you have to be more fair and unbiased then an olympic judge...if there is such a thing! Its a constant stream of well he/she got this, and why did he/she get to pick that, and why are wedoing what he/se wants to do. I could literally spend 12 hours doing one thing that kid A wants to do and 12 hours doing what kid B wants to do and I'd still hear that i'm not fair!!! Then of course you have the I'm hungry/tired/thirsty/my feet hurt constant background noise...and I'm not even counting my hubby on that one!!!
And speaking of my dear hubby, lets talk about the total lack of privacy. I think I have gotten 5 pecks on the lips in the past few days. We can not even sit next to each other without one of the kids getting in the middle. Shoot, I haven't even had time for an adult conversation. And I'm the type of gal who needs to be stimulated (getyour minds out of the gutter I mean intellectually people!!) I honestly think we have more alone time when we're home...and I know there are a ton of parents out there who feel me right now!!
Now is it all bad? No. Its been fun to see the kids react to new things and places. And my little man Brandon is an absolute trip and i'm enjoying the quality time with the kids. But man when I get home I'm all about jumping my hubby and hoping I don't hear I'm tired/hungry/thirsty/you're not fair for a very very very very long time!!!

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