ok by now everyone has heard of and pretty much had enough of all the tiger woods sex scandels and now ben r. getting caught with his pants down...literally. but i felt i had to add my 2 cents when i was reading some very interesting tweets from guys in live and work in that arena.
See with tiger, well the only real injured party is his wife. none of these women are saying he forced himself onto him, they were all very willing participants. and lets be honest, there are young women out their blinded by the fame and the having this mega star paying attention to them. and i get the feeling if some chick said gee tiger i'm flattered no thanks, i'm sure he just moved on to the next one.
So why do other athletes, i.e big ben feel the need to be abusive and force sex from someone when i can guarentee someone else would be willing to give it up? to me, its the macho barbarian mentality that some of these guys can not leave on the field. Look at the incidents of violence againt women, assaults etc... more then 90% of the time it involves either professional or college football players. To me it has nothing to do with their race or wherer they were raised. it has everything to do with the fact that they are trained to play a violent game and very few people in their lives bother to help them to learn how to turn that switch off. These men are never taught accountability...its a new form of boys will be boys. yeah thats fine when my five year old stepson plays a little rough on the playground, but not with a grown man who should know better.
and honestly it starts in high school and college. COme on, do you really think this is the first or second or third time ben has fone something like this??? of course not. I'll bet if you dig deep enough you will find stories from women at his college who claim the same thing. But i'll bet the money I don't have that they were "pressured" not to come forward. that they were told if they came forward and ruined his draft status he would sue them. Now if you're a 19 year old struggling to pay for school what choice would you make?? so from day one these guys do not have to face the same moral and ethical boundaries we all do in everyday life.
now on to the touchier part of this subject. i'm a firm believer of where there's smoke there's fire. There have been way too many women coming forward about big ben for them all to be lying. Now i do understand no charges have been pressed. But doesn't the NFL have these lovely conduct rules now? how many guys have been suspended by the NFL and the teams they play for because of bad conduct? yet big ben is just strollling along getting ready for the season. Meanwhile guys like Pacman Jones are still trying to clean up their reputation. Look at all the fuss about Santonio Holmes. and i could go on and on naming names. SO as an outsider to the nfl i would agree that the rules do not apply equally. that golden boy white quarterbacks are not under the same scrutiny. Now this may offend some, but hey, i'm just looking at the facts here. if the NFL and the steelers do not punish ben, mr. commish is going to have a lot of explaining to do.
So now how do we fix this. i want my kids to look up to athletes but i'm tired of explaining what rape and assault mean to a five year old. we need to teach our kids both boys and girls that there are boundaries that can't be crossed no matter who you are or how many commercials you make. and maybe, just maybe some future footballers

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