You know for the past 7 months these words find themselves into our conversations everyday. That and another great word...bailout. This company is getting bailed out, this one is getting stimulated blah blah blah. You know whose not getting bailed out or stimulated? Yup that's a whole hell of a lot of other lower middle class people. Shoot guys caught with prostitutes have a better chance at getting bailed out and stimulated by their wives then people like me do!
See I've been out of work for quite some time now. and trust me when I tell you its not like I ain't looking. But all those great mid level jobs I used to get so easily are now going to the college peeps who lost their fancy white collar jobs. And entry level...shoot why I should I get those jobs when there's a kid fresh out of college that needs it? All these big coporate types are keeping their golden parachutes and they are riding off into the sunset until they can once again try to take over the world. so seems to me all those people are bailed and stimulated.
but there's a whole class of people like me...people who maybe don't have a BA on their resume. people who have worked hard for years and years only to be told they have too much experience, keep it moving along. people who lived from paycheck to paycheck as is are now praying that they find something before unemployment runs out. They are sweet talking bill collectors, or just plain not answering the phone. They are hoping and praying their kids don't outgrow their clothes since they can't afford new ones right now. God forbid they get sick...people with insurance can't afford drugs how do you expect a person with none too?
These are the people that need help, but its no where to be found. Oh sure they bigwigs will say hey we extended unemployment...thats nice give me an extra month to freak out about how I'm gonna live when its done. How about doing something real...since you can give millions to these CEO's who royally screwed up, how about a couple of thousand to people who want to get a degree...and no not a loan idiots. Call it a grant, whatever, but come on help the people out. how about a grant to people who meet requirements like being unemployed for x amount of months to help them pay some bills. How about telling companies that receive government money that they need to diversify their hiring?
See it seems so simple, yet these government types don't think of that. Just these smalls things would prevent millions of people from either joining the welfare rolls or in the worst case, becoming homeless. they would rather just deal with that then I don't know be freakin creative and do something now!
yeah you might saying mercy, that's a hell of a lot of wishful thinking. I'm not the only one in this snafu...shoot I have friends in the same boat. So imagine how many people in just NYC are reading this and saying, damn she's right...where's OUR bailout!!! so in order to make this more then wishful thinking, get on the horn people!! words and speech are powerful...use them for your benefit for a change!

Well, I'm guessing it's about time i got my butt in gear and started writing. Sometimes it may be amusing, sometimes it'll be just a bitch fest. And sometimes i may make you run for the kleenex. This is basically my world, the people who play in it, and my thoughts about things outside my little fishbowl in the bronx. Will I make sense all the time...hell's no!! But i hope to keep you keep you coming back for more...and bring some friends too! But tonight dear readers, I'll keep it brief.

mercy's blog