ok so instead of complaining today I'm going to talk about the one thing everyone in this world searches for, is the hardest thing to find and keep, and can cause just as much pain as pleasure...yes dear readers its love, amor, all that good stuff.
See i think I'm lucky. No I know I'm lucky...I got a second bite at the apple. You see, me and my high school sweetheart parted ways way back when. But for some reason i never forgot about him. And as fate would have it, he came back into my life a few years. Now let me just say this...we both had some major baggage. He was coming out of a bad marriage, getting divorced, and has two kids. I was the serial dater who swore up and down she would never find love, I gave it and resigned myself to life as a lonely old maid with only my pets to keep me company...depressing right?
But we moved on, slowly but surely...well if I had it my way it wouldn't have been as slow! But as time went on, he realized he could trust someone with his heart again. And I realized that someone could love me, with all my ups and downs and craziness. And along the way I realized this was THE person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. So, we got engaged on June 23rd of this year.
Now by no means do we have a storybook romance...its a real life romance. We still fight and argue, and we still have things to learn about each other even after almost two years. And I think we'll still be learning things about each when we're old and gray. But this is why our love works...we try to make it work. Yes we fight, but we never get nasty. And while it may be old school, we don't go to bed mad or with unresolved issues. We've both shed our tears, but in the end we love each other so much that we will make changes and do what we can to make the other happy. and that dear readers is love...no the fairy tales little girls heard, or those mushy lifetime movies for that matter. love is the good and the bad...the feeling so nice and warm snuggling together AND the feeling of wanting to smack him upside the head!
So why do i share this?? I want people who may have not found that special someone to have hope...love is out there my dear friends...its not gonna happen like some romantic see that person across the room and you just know....it may just be that guy that smiles at you everyday when you pass on your way to work, or the girl you think will never give you the time of day. give it a try dear friends, and when you do find it hang on for dear life!! ok....now my mushiness is over, next time back to our regularl

mercy's blog